The Biden administration’s biased electric vehicle agenda

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Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has repeatedly labeled several highways and even underpasses as racist – but turns a blind eye to the Biden administration’s electric vehicle (EV) agenda, which is actually deserving of the title. 

As team Biden pushes EVs via numerous mandates and subsidies, most recently with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s ultra-stringent vehicle emissions rule, they must know that it threatens Black families struggling to reach the middle class.

The disproportionate burdens of EVs are hard to ignore, and the higher sticker price isn’t the only thing dissuading Black families from going electric. One-third of Americans live in single-vehicle households, and this includes many lower-income Blacks.

President Biden shakes hands with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg during an event at the White House on June 25, 2021. ( Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

An EV simply does not work as a family’s only vehicle, given the range limitations and long charging times – not to mention the fact that many Black families live in urban environments where street and lot parking is the norm. No amount of marketing for EV subsidies can entice willing buyers in these neighborhoods either.


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