‘4 Generations’: Helena art show showcases one big family
A solitary tree, brushed in lavender, stretches its branches skyward.
A fish swirled with a colorful aurora throws a sideways glance out from the paper that holds it.
A vibrant rainbow of lines and shapes spiral around a face with downcast eyes.
Hung collectively along the gray slatwall is a rather interesting family of art pieces. But behind the frames and underneath the paint is a family of artists that are even more interesting.
Throughout March, Queen City Framing & Art Supplies is hosting a collective art show, called “4 Generations.” The show features the works of Sherrie Opitz and eight other artists, ranging in age from 87 down to 7, who together comprise one unique blended family.
THOM BRIDGE, Independent Record
“We’re a very interesting collection of people and it’s an interesting collection of art,” said Sherrie Opitz, a local artist. “How many people can say that we love art so much that we do it even if we aren’t professionals? We do it for fun and because it feels good.”
Throughout March, Queen City Framing & Art Supplies is hosting a collective