Two percent or two-thirds?


With help from Shawn Ness

The members of the Independent Redistricting Commission in the New York state Capitol.

The new Congressional maps proposed by the Independent Redistricting Commission are headed to the state Legislature next week. | Independent Redistricting Commission

Backroom negotiations and gamesmanship are in full throttle as New York’s new congressional plan heads toward a vote in the state Legislature next week.

As the process moves ahead, keep two key numbers in mind: 2 percent and two-thirds.

2 percent: If the Legislature votes down the maps proposed by the redistricting commission, it will be able to draw its own. But a statute proposed by ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo in 2012 as lawmakers debated the constitutional amendment that created the commission limits how much legislators can change the lines in this scenario.

Each district can only differ by 2 percent from the ones drawn by the commission. So if there are 777,000 people in a congressional district, 761,000 of them would need to be the same in any plan drawn by the Legislature.

That means any new maps

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