Trump is wrong: abortion opponents are looking for a national leader

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By forming the Supreme Court majority that would finally reverse Roe v. Wade and restore the right of the people and their elected representatives to protect unborn children and their mothers in the law, President Trump can truly be called the most consequential pro-life president in history. The role of his leadership in creating the life-saving opportunity the pro-life movement spent 50 years working and praying for will never be forgotten.

Since the 2022 midterms, however, a narrative has taken hold that the life issue costs Republicans elections and is better left to the states, anyway – a narrative that threatens this great accomplishment. With policy platforms suddenly having very real consequences, many candidates became fearful, listened to consultants and opted for the “ostrich strategy” of burying their heads in the sand. These candidates fared badly. The left also struck back and found success in spending massive sums of money to rewrite the constitutions in pro-life states, leaving pro-life advocates outgunned on resources.

Now, in the midst of the 2024 campaign, President Trump’s long-awaited announcement of his stance tragically pigeonholes abortion as a matter of states’ rights. It has met with disappointment from the

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