State seeks comment on proposed roadwork between Helena, East Helena
The Montana Department of Transportation is taking public comment on a proposal to resurface about 4 miles of U.S. Highway 12 and U.S. Highway 287 between Helena and East Helena.
The project begins west of the intersection with 18th Street in Helena and ends just east of intersection with Lane Avenue in East Helena, officials said.
Proposed work includes resealing the concrete joints in the roadway, diamond grinding the concrete surface, and adding new inlaid pavement markings in order to repair and extend the service life of the roadway.
Construction is tentatively planned beyond MDT’s 5-year planning horizon but could begin earlier depending on completion of design and availability of funds. No new right-of-way or utility relocations will be needed, MDT officials said.
Public comments may be submitted online at or in writing to Montana Department of Transportation, Great Falls office, PO Box 1359, Great Falls, MT 59403-1359. Note that comments are for project UPN 10315000.
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Those with questions should contact Great Falls District Preconstruction Engineer Jim Combs at 406-788-2773 or Project Design Engineer RJ Snyder at 406-459-5294..
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