SCOTUS Girls Gone Wild: the Right to Crap in the Streets

On MSNBC, they’re convinced that the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity will finally usher in the long-feared Trump Dictatorship, though I’m almost certain the Supreme Court explicitly limited the immunity to presidential acts authorized, or even required, by the Constitution.


Staging a coup would not be covered. Neither would murdering political opponents.

(One of the most alarmed guests was former CIA chief John Brennan. Wasn’t he involved in a bit of unauthorized surveillance of American citizens, as well as lying to Congress about it?)

MSNBC: What if Mohamed Atta were president? According to SCOTUS, EVERYTHING HE DID WOULD HAVE BEEN PERFECTLY LEGAL!

What if TED BUNDY had been elected president? But for a few votes in a few precincts, he could have been … OH MY GOD!!!

Where on Earth did Clarence Thomas get the idea that raping and bludgeoning coeds is part of a president’s core functions? That’s CRAZY!

As liberals carry on about the conservative majority on the court, I direct your attention to the three liberals on the court, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson — aka “Girls in Robes Gone Wild” — and what a majority of them would mean for our country.

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