MT DOJ puts opioid reversal drugs in middle and high schools

Montana’s Department of Justice is using opioid settlement money to pay for opioid reversal kits to be put in every middle and high school in Montana. 

“You don’t have the luxury we had when we were your age to experiment with drugs,” Janisch said, noting that traces of fentanyl have been found in Ritalin, Xanax, cocaine, ketamine, ecstasy and LSD. Just two milligrams of the substance, the equivalent of two grains of salt, is enough to cause a fatal overdose. 

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Attorney General Austin Knudsen and Superintendent Erwin Garcia display an opioid reversal kit during an assembly to announce that Narcan kits will be distributed to middle schools and high schools across Billing School District 2.

AMY LYNN NELSON, Billings Gazette

“I’m not telling you that to scare you, I’m telling you that because it’s true,” Knudsen said. 

The drug is most commonly found in pill form, despite being 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. This makes it more accessible and thus more

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