Donald: Do the Debate

There is no downside for Donald Trump debating Vice President Kamala Harris next month on ABC News. Trump made the right decision to show up at the National Association of Black Journalists convention in Chicago last week (Harris didn’t appear, due to a scheduling conflict), though he squandered an opportunity to win over not just those in the audience but a wider spectrum of especially young Blacks when he questioned Harris’ race.


Harris says she will appear on ABC on Sept. 10, but Trump says his previous agreement was with President Biden and because Biden has withdrawn from the race that deal is void. If Trump doesn’t show, he gives Harris 90 minutes of free air time. Given her inability to speak clearly without a teleprompter that might be his strategy. Americans deserve better.

This should be less about their personalities and more about the country and our future. It’s not about race or gender, or felonies, or the moral failings of candidates or those of their spouses. It’s about America and who is best positioned to lead the country back to economic prosperity, military strength and global respectability, e specially amongst our enemies.

As an experienced debater, let

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