Americans must open their hearts to end Haitian horrors

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In recent months, our neighbors to the south in Haiti have been ravaged by violence, political turmoil and economic disaster. Unfortunately, the situation is growing more dire by the day. Roughly 80% of Haiti’s capital city is under the control of armed gangs, and more than 362,000 have abandoned their homes due to gang violence in recent years.  

Currently, 4.97 million Haitians — roughly half of the country’s population — are facing severe hunger. Three out of four women do not have access to basic health and nutrition. Six out of 10 hospitals in Haiti are out of commission, and those still operating face shortages of electricity and supplies, and some have even been looted and burned.  

Moreover, UNICEF estimates that more than 500,000 Haitian children lost access to education in recent years, and over 1,700 schools have been closed in Haiti’s capital alone. According to estimates, 1.4 million Haitians are “a step away from famine,” and there is expected to be a 10% increase in the number of Haitian children suffering from acute malnutrition between now and November. We are losing a generation before our very eyes due to the malicious

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