The Harris-Walz Interview

In television, the first thing you notice is what you see, not what you hear. It’s called optics and in the CNN interview with Vice President Kamala Harris and running mate Tim Walz, what I first noticed was how small Harris appeared. Walz towered over her. When you’re running for president the last image you want to project is a small one.


The camera angle was bad and who decided Harris should sit behind a table, which made her look like a customer waiting for service at a restaurant? Dana Bash tossed fairly softball questions, did few follow-ups and let Harris get away with her answers on the border and the economy, the two biggest issues in the race.

Harris claimed, “I haven’t changed my values.” Maybe not, but she sure has changed her positions to attract the independent voters she must have to win the all-important swing states.

Anyone should be allowed to change their positions if that change is credible (such as when new evidence that has come to light) rather than political. Commentators who claim she is “racing toward the middle” mean she is making a pragmatic journey to get votes, not something born out of

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