The Biden Cover-Up

Anyone hoping the interview of President Biden by George Stephanopoulos of ABC News would allay fears by growing numbers of Democrats that the president is not mentally fit to serve another four years must be disappointed.


When asked repeatedly and in different ways if he would take an independent neurological exam, Biden refused, claiming he is mentally fit and doesn’t need a test because he is tested “every day” and his test is “running the world.” The world is in bad shape, with wars and rumors of wars. Does he take the blame? Apparently not.

Things are so bad that the Biden campaign was forced to admit it provided eight questions to radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders of “The Source” on WURD in advance of her interview with the president.

In that interview, Biden accidentally stated that he was “the first Black woman to serve in the White House.” In 1988, Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison wrote in The New Yorker that Bill Clinton was America’s “first Black president” because of life experiences he shared with many Black people. That was said about Clinton. He didn’t claim a different racial or gender background.

If Biden’s mental health is fine and assertions

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