Rep. Jeff Van Drew: I get why RFK Jr. left the Democratic Party

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The Democratic Party is not the party it used to be.

As someone who spent nearly two decades in the New Jersey state legislature as a Democrat before moving to the United States Congress, I have had a front-row seat to the drastic changes within the party over the years. When I first entered politics, the Democratic Party was dedicated to standing up for the working class. We were focused on fairness and supporting those who needed it most. Regardless of differences between the political parties, we all still believed that the Democratic Party leadership loved America and saw it as the best nation on the face of the earth.

This is no longer true. Over the years, the party has veered off its original course. Instead of championing the needs of everyday Americans, it now seems to be driven more by corporate interests and big donors. The policies coming out of the party often favor the wealthy, leaving hardworking average Americans behind.

As elected representatives of the people of America, it is our privilege and our duty to serve in their interests. The Democratic Party has failed to do this time and time again.

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