Open Letter to Steve Bullock

Dear Governor Bullock,
Since you announced your aspiration to become President, we note that you advocate much more gun control than you did when you were trying to convince Montana voters to elect you as our Governor.
Just like you “support” the Second Amendment, we support the First Amendment, but as with you and the Second, we support the First Amendment with reasonable and common-sense safeguards.
Because of these commonsense restrictions, you are no longer allowed to speak on government property, including within 1,000 feet of schools and buildings occupied by any level of government. That would be just too dangerous. You are also not allowed to speak in any other public place unless you have a government permit to do so. Such a permit will only be granted if you have satisfactorily completed an approved training course about how to comply with writing and speech restrictions, about how to use your rights safely and responsibly.