Missoulian week in review: Local news recap for June 15-21

Here are some of the headlines from this past week in the Missoulian. To read the full stories, click the link on each headline:

Reproductive rights organizers submitted nearly twice as many signatures as required in support of a ballot measure that would explicitly protect the right to an abortion in Montana.

Montanans Securing Reproductive Rights (MSRR), the coalition behind the campaign for CI-128, announced on Friday they collected over 117,000 signatures from all 100 House districts and 56 counties in the state. To be on the ballot, the group had to collect 60,000 signatures from 40 House districts.

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“I am proud to say we rose to the challenge. Our volunteers rose to the challenge,” said Akilah Deernose, the executive director of the ACLU Montana in a virtual press conference. “Montanans have made it clear that they are sick and tired of anti-abortion extremists interfering with their private medical decisions.”

Abortion is currently legal in Montana. The state Constitution includes a robust right to privacy, which the Montana Supreme Court has ruled encompasses the right to an abortion. But the overturning of Roe v. Wade two years ago exposed the

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