Informing Low-Information Voters

Bring back Jay Leno! The former host of the” Tonight Show” had a segment called ” Jaywalking” during which he would ask people on the street easy questions they often couldn’t answer.


Leno : “If someone says they are going to Great Britain what language do they speak when they get there?”

Woman: “British?”

While funny, the interviews revealed a level of ignorance about current events, history and politics that can be dangerous if allowed to spread.

So many voters appear to be making decisions based on superficial factors, including 1) hatred of Donald Trump 2) wouldn’t it be nice to have the first female president? 3) hatred of Donald Trump.

Opinion polls, which have occasionally and sometimes dramatically been wrong, show a dramatic shift away from Trump to Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim Walz following President Biden’s withdrawal from the race. How can this be when many believe the economy and the world were in much better shape during the Trump presidency? Despite the lies that are told – inflation was 9 percent when Joe Biden took office, when it was under 2 percent – what has come to be known as the ” low-information voter” seems to

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