I have had previous abortions, but Georgia’s heartbeat law saved my son’s life

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This week, a 6-week heartbeat protection law is going into effect in Florida that will save thousands of innocent lives every year. Two years ago, a similar law in my home state of Georgia saved me and my baby. 

When I learned that I was unexpectedly pregnant, my first thought was to call an abortion center and schedule an appointment. I already had four children at home, the father of my child was not in the picture, and the bills were stacking up. 

Not only did abortion seem like the easiest option, but it was also my natural reaction. I had abortions before, and overtime became desensitized to the true horror of the procedure. Both my body and mind were numb to the reality of abortion, and my surroundings continued to tell me the lie that I was not capable of raising another child. 

The law saves my baby’s life, and blessed a beautiful family with a healthy little boy. (iStock)

Succumbing to old habits and external pressures, I called to schedule my abortion. This time, however, Georgia’s heartbeat law was in place, and it was too late for me to have the procedure. 


Little did I know at the time, but that law would save my baby’s life. It also blessed a beautiful family with a healthy, happy little boy. 

The heartbeat law prompted me to search for other resources and options for my pregnancy. I still knew that I was not ready to raise another child and could not provide him with the necessary love and

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