Hey! Are Those Bullets in Your NPR Tote?

If you were worried that liberals would tone down the apocalyptic rhetoric about Donald Trump after Saturday’s assassination attempt — He’s an existential threat to democracy! a fascist! an aspiring dictator! an authoritarian! Hitler! — you can rest easy.


Apparently, the left has concluded that the best way to avoid political violence in the future is to ratchet up their dire warnings about the end of democracy presaged by a second Trump presidency. (That’s almost as good as their plan to lower deficits by spending more.)

Two days after the shooting, Vox announced in a headline, “Yes, it’s still fair to call Trump a threat to democracy.”

President Joe Biden agreed, telling NBC’s Lester Holt, “How do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real, when [Trump] says things like he says.” (Otherwise, it was a great interview except that the president kept calling Lester “Bryant.” Amazingly, it’s necessary to add: That’s a joke.)

MSNBC’s Joy Reid called Trump “the greatest purveyor and promoter of political violence, really, since anyone can remember.” Pro tip for Biden defenders: Maybe don’t bring up people’s ability to remember things.

I’m not sure how to measure who the biggest “purveyor and promoter of

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