AG Knudsen is working to end human trafficking

I wholeheartedly support Austin Knudsen for reelection as Montana’s Attorney General. His commitment to combating the growing threat of human trafficking is essential for the safety of our communities. Under his leadership, Montana has made significant progress in addressing this horrific crime. Attorney General Knudsen has increased the number of agents dedicated to human trafficking cases and introduced vital legislation that closed loopholes in our laws and increased penalties for traffickers. This sends a strong message that Montana will not tolerate those who exploit the vulnerable.

Additionally, his public awareness campaigns have been instrumental in educating Montanans about the realities of human trafficking in our state. These initiatives have empowered citizens to recognize and report suspicious activities, strengthening our collective effort to combat trafficking. Knudsen has also collaborated closely with nonprofits and victim advocacy groups to ensure that survivors receive the necessary support and resources. His leadership in this area is unparalleled, and it is crucial that we continue this important work.

For the safety of our children, families, and communities, I urge all Montanans to support Austin Knudsen’s reelection.

By: Representative Braxton Mitchell (R-Columbia Falls)