Where did Montana’s flag go?

Montana’s governor has the reputation of lowering the flag almost as often as he drops his drawers. But recently, he removed the state flag altogether, and replaced it with a flag that may represent some of us, but certainly not all of us. A flag that stands for a specific social, moral and political movement that many Montanans find abhorrent, and in direct conflict with their fundamental values, religious and political beliefs. For a weekend in June, the standard of the LGBT “gay pride” movement replaced the flag of the sovereign state of Montana.
Bullock’s flag replacement occasioned Helena’s largest-ever gay pride celebration. Do I have a problem with that celebration? Not a bit. Like most liberty-loving Montanans, I honor and defend the right of others to free expression, and to promoting their personal political, cultural and religious convictions — no matter how strongly I may disagree with them. But conversely, I draw a very bright line against compelling other individuals to adopt, support or “celebrate” political values and causes to which they are personally opposed, or that violate their conscience.