Secretary Jacobsen: Protecting the treasures that make Montana the Treasure State

Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen continued her efforts to safeguard Montana’s natural resources and public access while generating significant revenue for the state’s schools during the December meeting of the Montana Land Board.
Secretary Jacobsen’s votes during the meeting are expected to yield more than $7 million in revenue, with nearly $6 million directed to benefit Montana’s K-12 schools.
One highlight of the meeting was Secretary Jacobsen’s successful motion to approve a historic oil and gas lease sale. The sale, totaling over $5.4 million, includes leases in Fallon, Richland, Roosevelt, and Toole counties. The motion passed unanimously.
“This was another historic oil and gas lease sale that utilizes Montana’s natural resources to benefit our schools,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “In September, I proudly supported an oil and gas lease sale that raised $2.85 million for Montana schools. This sale nearly doubles that amount, providing even more substantial funding for our schools. I commend the DNRC for maximizing revenue potential on our state trust lands.”
The Land Board also approved one of the largest public access initiatives in northwest Montana through the Montana Great Outdoors Conservation Easement. Secretary Jacobsen emphasized her commitment to ensuring public access while protecting both surface and mineral rights.
“Faced with threats to restrict public access—like closing camping sites, fishing areas, and key hunting grounds or blocking trails for motorized vehicles—I stood firm to protect the rights of Montanans,” Jacobsen stated. “These actions preserve our identity as the Treasure State and the Last Best Place.”
Secretary Jacobsen’s leadership on the Land Board reflects her commitment to balancing the responsible use of Montana’s natural resources with the preservation of public access and the enhancement of funding for education.