Rebranded civic engagement organization spreads importance of aiding communities

A civic engagement organization aimed at helping students support communities across Montana announced Monday it has rebranded itself to offer state-structured initiatives.

The Montana Campus Network for Civic Engagement (MCNCE), formerly the Montana Campus Compact, has 18 higher education institutions and affiliates that stressed the importance of civic engagement.

The rebranding came after members of the organization engaged in a planning process that allowed them to see how students and their communities intersect. They said this led them to alter the focuses of the organization to better serve Montana communities.

Stefani Hicswa

Photo provided

Stefani Hicswa, chancellor of Montana State University-Billings and vice chair of MCNCE, said the work students do through the efforts of the organization have lasting impacts on Montana and its communities.

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Some of the events the organization has been a part of were caretaking efforts at the community and elderly gardens through Fort Peck Community College, blood drives and the raising of food donations for Helena Food Share.

“Colleges and universities in Montana are a vibrant

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