New study finds proposed ARC sports, events center in Helena could be ‘economically sustainable’

Another feasibility study commissioned by a group advocating for a mega-sports and event center in Helena has found such a facility would be what its supporters described as “economically sustainable” from when it opens with profits starting at $371,663 from its opening year to hitting $688,713 by its fifth year.

An overall view of what is proposed for The ARC at the Lewis and Clark County Fairgrounds.

Mosaic Architecture

The study finds the five-year average, based on their study, would have $5,018,355 in expenses and $5,613,318 in revenue, leaving a $594,964 surplus. The first full year of operation would be 2026 or later, with a two-year construction time frame factored in. It is also based on 30 annual events and setting aside $425,000 a year into a capital improvement fund, supporters said.

The 58-page study by Denver-based Ballard*King found the facility known as the ARC proposed by the nonprofit Helena Regional Sports Association (HRSA) for the Lewis and Clark County Fairgrounds would help fill a need for indoor athletic and aquatic space, would have a statewide draw for youth sports and

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