New Poll Examines Public Opinion on Wildlife and Migration Corridors in Wyoming

Results from a new statewide poll of 400 registered voters in Wyoming and an online focus group of 20 Wyoming residents on topics related to wildlife and migration corridors are now available from the Ruckelshaus Institute and Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Wyoming.
The poll and online focus group were organized by the William D. Ruckelshaus Institute, in partnership with the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University.
Findings from the poll show that voters support a range of policy actions related to the conservation of big-game migration corridors, but that the intensity of support declines when the action is perceived to negatively impact the state’s economy. Respondents showed strong support for constructing highway over/underpasses within migration corridors and helping landowners install wildlife-friendly fences. Conservation actions perceived to limit oil and gas development received less support from respondents.