HD-4: Regier wants to prioritize forest management
Matt Regier
Age: 38
Party: Republican, incumbent
Education: Bachelor of Science degree in business, University of Montana, 2005
Occupation: Owner, Stillwater Sod Corporation
Background: Kalispell Planning Board member, Montana Small Business Compliance Assistance Advisory Council, Lighthouse Christian Home board member, Montana Special Olympics volunteer, Montana Right to Life member, National Rifle Association, Montana Family Foundation.
Q: A slate of budget cuts were made in 2017 to address a $227 million shortfall caused by less than anticipated revenue and an expensive fire season. What should the priorities be in the state budget in the next legislative session?
A: It is unfortunate that Montana has lost revenue with declining timber sales, and now we have to use so much of taxpayers money to put out the ever increasing fires. It’s a double negative hit to Montanans’ pocketbook, and that is on top of losing air quality and impacting our precious summer days. We need to prioritize healthy management of our natural resources. Quality management provides better habitat for wildlife, increased access for sportsmen, increased revenue for essential services, and the positive list goes on.