Fort Harrison VA Medical Center gets Overall 4-Star Hospital Quality rating, officials say


Fort Harrison VA Medical Center was given an Overall 4-Star Hospital Quality rating this summer by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the Montana VA Health Care System said recently.

They also gave Fort Harrison an Overall 5-Star Patient Experience Survey rating.

Four stars reflects above-average patient experience and five stars indicates excellent patient experience. 

Fort Harrison VA Medical Center is a 34-bed acute care hospital with six intensive care unit beds, a medical-surgical facility, and a 24-bed inpatient residential rehabilitation facility, according to

The CMS annually assigns star ratings to hospitals across the nation on 46 hospital quality measures, which are divided into five quality categories. 

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The CMS awards Overall Star Ratings to hospitals based on five categories: mortality, safety of care, readmission, patient experience, and timely and effective care. The CMS’ Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) summary star ratings combine information across 10 measures of patient experience, including staff communication and responsiveness, hospital environment, willingness to recommend the hospital, and overall hospital rating.

The CMS serves the public in advancing health equity, expanding coverage and improving health outcomes. It gave Fort Harrison an

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