Canyon Creek fire board issues vote of no confidence in fire chief

With smoke-covered hills serving as a backdrop, the Canyon Creek Rural Fire District board on Sept. 9 issued a vote of no confidence in its fire chief, citing violations of bylaws and policies.

The Canyon Creek Rural Fire District board of trustees holds a special meeting with two of the five members absent on Sept. 9. 

SONNY TAPIA, Independent Record

Three of the five board members were in attendance as board chair Rick Grady called a special meeting to discuss fire Chief Jonathan Cunningham. Vice chair Jim Thomas requested the meeting be moved to a different day due to him being out of town. Board Treasurer Wendy Smith-Adamson was also not present due to prior obligations at a Lewis and Clark Rural Fire Council meeting, along with Cunningham.

The meeting couldn’t be rescheduled, Grady said, because the board struggled to get through its agenda at recent meetings. Monday’s special meeting lasted about two hours with two agenda items and multiple public comments.

“We have been sitting and holding off on doing this. We have been dealing with other issues and the time had

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