Bob Pavlovich ‘lived a life well lived’

Early American poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that life’s purpose was not to be happy. Instead, it was “to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have made some difference that you have lived and lived well.”

Former Butte legislator and all-around good guy Bob Pavlovich died Saturday, Sept. 7, in Sheridan, Wyoming. Talking to his friends and colleagues, there’s no doubt that during his 95 years on this earth he made himself useful time and time again. He was, indeed, an honorable and compassionate man, and yes, he lived a life well lived.

Jim Fabatz, right, an Air Force Veteran in the Vietnam War, speaks to Bob Pavlovich, a U.S. Army veteran and Butte native who was praised during the Southwest Montana Veterans Home grand opening speeches for his relentless effort to make the home a reality.


While serving up drinks at the Met Tavern, in his lifetime he also managed to serve his country, his hometown of Butte, his beloved Montana, and perhaps most importantly, his fellow veterans.

For five years,

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